Eventos y Noticias

EIFS2024 Ourense

  5. PROGRAM updated 19/July/2024 
  6. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS updated 31/July/2024 
  8. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION  updated 13/May/2024 
  10. REGISTRATION AND FEES Registration form closed on 10th July 2024






Following the success of previous editions,and on behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend EIFS2024, the Third Iberian Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (3º Encontro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos / 3er Encuentro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos), to be held on 22-24 July in Ourense, Spain.

EIFS2024 is organized by the Biomass and Sustainable Development group (University of Vigo, Spain) and by Flucomp (Asociación de Expertos en Fluidos Comprimidos, Spain).


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Aims & Scope

EIFS2024 aims at the dissemination of the high quality scientific research currently developed in Spain and Portugal on a wide range of fundamental and applied topics on supercritical fluids and processes. It also aims to bring together, to strengthen and create new ties and collaborations between the Iberian research community and industry working on these topics, as well as to support young Iberian researchers working on these fields. EIFS2024 has English as the official language to open it to contributions from researchers all over the world.

EIFS2024 encompasses a broad spectrum of supercritical fluids related topics in the form of invited plenary sessions, and selected oral/poster presentations. Participants are invited to submit high quality research works on several topics of interest which include, but not restricted to, the following areas:

  Thermodynamics, Phase Equilibria, and Transport phenomena

  High pressure fluid properties

  Extraction, Fractionation and Drying

  Reactions and Supercritical Fluid Bio-refinery

  Particle production

  Materials and Biomaterials

  Alternative solvents (eutectic, biobased, ionic liquids...)

  Products and Applications (analytical, food & nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, biomedical, catalysis, construction, oil & gas, etc.)

  Industrial applications and scale-up


Postal Ourense acuarela

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Organizing Committee


  • Herminia Domínguez (Univ. Vigo)
  • Mª Dolores Torres (Univ. Vigo)
  • Noelia Flórez Fernández (Univ. Vigo)
  • Beatriz Díaz Reinoso (Univ. Vigo)
  • Andrés Moure (Univ. Vigo)
  • Carlos A. García González (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
  • Mariana Landín Pérez (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
  • Beatriz Magariños Ferro (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
  • Clara López Iglesias (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
  • Hermínio Sousa (Univ. Coimbra)
  • Mara Braga (Univ. Coimbra)
  • Ana Dias (Univ. Coimbra)
  • Luísa Durães (Univ. Coimbra)


Technical support


  • Julie Queffelec (Univ. Vigo)
  • Kai Baltrusch (Univ. Vigo)
  • Francisco Díaz Seoane (Univ. Vigo)
  • Sheyma Inoubli (Univ. Vigo)
  • Carmen Sica (Univ. Vigo)
  • Bruno Alves Nogueira (Univ. Vigo)
  • Kelly Kurman (Univ. Vigo)
  • Sónia Oliveira (Univ. Vigo)
  • Javier Seijo (Univ. Vigo)
  • Ana Iglesias Mejuto (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
  • Thoa Duong (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
  • Carlos Illanes Bordomás (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
  • María Carracedo Pérez (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
  • Maria Blanco Vales (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
  • Beatriz Bernardes (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
  • Cristiana Bento (Univ. Coimbra)
  • Johnny Baptista (Univ. Coimbra)
  • João Leocádio (Univ. Coimbra)
  • Cláudio Almeida (Univ. Coimbra)


Technical secretariat


  • Jose A. Mendiola (CIAL-CSIC)



Scientific Committee


  • Sagrario Beltrán (Univ. Burgos)
  • Mara Braga (Univ. Coimbra)
  • Albertina Cabañas (Univ. Complutense Madrid)
  • Pedro Calado Simões (Univ. Nova Lisboa)
  • Lourdes Calvo (Univ. Complutense Madrid)
  • Elvira Casas (AINIA)
  • María José Cocero (Univ. Valladolid)
  • José Coelho (Inst. Politécnico Lisboa)
  • Rolando Dias (Inst. Politécnico Bragança)
  • Concepción Domingo (ICMAB-CSIC)
  • Ana Rita Duarte (Univ. Nova Lisboa)
  • Luísa Durães (Univ. Coimbra)
  • João Fernandes (Natex)
  • Ignacio Gracia (Univ. Castilla La Mancha)
  • Miguel Herrero (CIAL-CSIC)
  • Elena Ibáñez (CIAL-CSIC)
  • Ana Leite Oliveira (Univ. Católica Portuguesa)
  • Ana María Mainar (Univ. Zaragoza)
  • Ángel Martín (Univ. Valladolid)
  • Enrique Martínez de la Ossa (Univ. Cádiz)
  • Ana Nunes (Univ. Nova Lisboa)
  • Luis Padrela (Univ. Limerick)
  • Alexandre Paiva (Univ. Nova Lisboa)
  • Francisca Rodrigues (Inst. Politécnico Porto)
  • Miguel Rodrigues (Univ. Lisboa)
  • Santiago Sala (Nanomol Technologies)
  • Carlos Silva (Univ. Aveiro)

Confirmed speakers for plenary sessions

  • María José Cocero (Univ. Valladolid)
  • Carlos Silva (Univ. Aveiro)
  • Irina Smirnova (TUHH Hamburg)
  • Casimiro Mantell (Univ. Cádiz)

Invited speakers

  • Albertina Cabañas (Univ. Complutense de Madrid)
  • M. Dolores Bermejo (Univ. Valladolid)



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Iberfluid instruments


Celta Ingenieros


PISA Productos de Instrumentación S.A.


NATEX Prozesstechnologie GesmbH


EUROTECHNICA GmbH high pressure solutions


Paralab - Soluciones tecnológicas, industriales y de laboratorio


Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias


Concello de Ourense


Diputación de Ourense - Marcos Valcarcel



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Tentative program


The program can be downloaded in the following link: EIFS2024 program







Book of abstracts


The book of abstracts can be downloaded in the following link: EIFS2024 Book of Abstracts.




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Important dates


Abstract deadline: May 15th, 2024

Abstract decision: May 31st, 2024

Early bird registration: May 31st, 2024




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Abstract submission


We invite you to submit your abstract for Oral or Poster Presentation at the event. The abstract submission deadline is is May 15th May 31st, 2024.

Please use this template for your abstract and send it to eifs24ourense {a} uvigo.es indicating if it's for oral or poster comunication.

A notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent before June 15th 2024.

The registration of the presenting author who submits the abstract is compulsory.



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Ourense is a city located in the region of Galicia in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula on the banks of the river Miño. The neighbourhoods of the city are connected by eight bridges. The oldest one is the Puente Romano (Roman Bridge) also known as the Puente Mayor (Main Bridge) or Puente Viejo (Old Bridge), which has its origin in the 1st century. Particularly interesting is its old quarter, full of restaurants, bars and taverns where you can enjoy the local gastronomy, as well as the cathedral of San Martiño, which was completed in the 13th century. In its main gate you can admire the Pórtico del Paraíso (Door of Paradise), an imitation of the Pórtico de la Gloria (Door of Glory) of the Cathedral of Santiago, which still conserves its original polychromy.

Ourense is also known for its hot springs. These are located both in the city in As Burgas, where the water comes out at 64-68 ºC, or along the river Miño such as in the thermal complex of Outariz, 4 km from the city. In the rest of the region there are different spas, such as Lais, Arnoia or Cortegada.



EIFS2024 Conference location:

The conference and poster sesions will take place in the Cultural center Marcos Valcarcel, Rúa do Progreso, 30, 32003 Ourense.

Google Maps: Centro Cultural Marcos Valcárcel




How to arrive Orense by train:

The train is one of the best options to get to Ourense; with the high speed trains (AVE) Ourense is only 2 hours and a quarter from Madrid, 35 minutes from Santiago de Compostela and 1 hour from A Coruña. Train timetables will be updated soon Train station: Avenida de Marín s/n 32001. Ourense (www.renfe.es)


How to arrive Orense by plane:

In Galicia, the international airport in Galicia is in Santiago de Compostela (https://www.aena.es/es/santiago-rosalia-de-castro.html), which is located at 114 km from Ourense. Other airports are Vigo (Peinador) and Coruña (Alvedro) at 90 and 168 km from Ourense, respectively. In Portugal, Porto International Airport (Francisco Sá Carneiro) at 212 km. In all these options, car rental services are available.


How to arrive by car:

It is quite easy to get to Ourense by car. There are plenty of online guides to find out how to drive to Ourense. The fastest way is to use Highway A-6 and A-52 from Madrid, A-52 from Vigo, AP-53 from Santiago de Compostela and AP-9 and AP-53 from A Coruña.


Tourist information:

For more touristic information on Ourense, please visit:


Accommodation options

Ourense offers a great variety of hotels in a wide range of price categories (including youth hostels and shared local accommodation options). Nevertheless, early reservation of accommodation is strongly advised in special in July. To search/book for accommodation in Ourense you can use different websites such as booking.com; trivago.es; airbnb.es, tripadvisor.es, etc. Alternatively, you can book accommodation directly at the hotels/hostels websites.

The Conference Secretariat has contacted some hotels/local accommodations in Ourense, and reduced prices will be available for EIFS2024 attendants. However, reservations must be done directly with the hotel/local accommodation services (and not through booking.com, trivago.com, etc.).




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Registration and fees


Follow this link to find the registration form for EIFS2024

Please, don’t forget to provide your invoicing/billing details in case you need an invoice for the payment

Registration form closed on 10th July 2024



Registration Fees (VAT included):


Early-bird Fee
= May 30, 2024

Late-bird Fee
> May 30, 2024

FLUCOMP members and Portuguese participants1 



Non-FLUCOMP members1



Students (FLUCOMP members)1



Students (non-FLUCOMP members)1



Accompanying person2




1. Registration fee covers: Coffee Breaks + Lunch + Welcome Reception + Cultural Activities + Meeting Dinner.
2. Registration fee covers: Welcome Reception + Lunch + Cultural Activities + Meeting Dinner.
Flucomp membership form can be found at https://flucomp.es/asociarse-flucomp.php


Payment of the registration fees should be carried out by wire transfer to the bank account below. In the bank transfer concept, please indicate clearly the name of the participant and send a copy to the conference secretariat ( info {a} flucomp.es ).

Entity: Caixabank


IBAN: ES25 2100 3739 1522 0012 4067 (Swift: CAIXESBBXXX)

Account holder: Asociación de Expertos en Fluidos Comprimidos

For more information on registration issues, please contact info {a} flucomp.es .




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Contact details


EIFS Secretariat:

For scientific issues: eifs24ourense {a} uvigo.es
For registration issues: info {a} flucomp.es


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FLUCOMP sponsors

FLUCOMP sponsors