Eventos y Noticias

- BOOK OF ABSTRACTS updated 27/FEB/2022
- COVID-19 INFORMATION updated 23/FEB/2022
Following the success of EIFS2020, and on behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend EIFS2022, the Second Iberian Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (2º Encontro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos / 2º Encuentro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos), to be held on 28.February – 2.March 2022 in Coimbra, Portugal.
EIFS2022 is organized by the Green and Sustainable Processes Lab (GSP Lab @PPB-CIEPQPF, University of Coimbra, Portugal), by the I+D Farma research group (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain), by PRODEQ (Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Engenharia Química, Coimbra, Portugal), and by Flucomp (Asociación de Expertos en Fluidos Comprimidos, Spain).
Aims & Scope
EIFS2022 aims at the dissemination of the high quality scientific research currently developed in Spain and Portugal on a wide range of fundamental and applied topics on supercritical fluids (SCF) and SCF-based processes. It also aims to bring together, to strengthen and create new ties and collaborations between the Iberian research community and industry working on these topics, as well as to support young Iberian researchers working on these fields. Finally, English is the official language of EIFS2022 to open it to contributions from researchers all over the world.
EIFS2022 encompasses a broad spectrum of SCF-related topics in the form of invited plenary/keynote sessions, and selected oral/short oral/poster presentations. Participants are invited to submit high quality research works on several topics of interest which include, but not restricted to, the following areas:
Thermodynamics, Phase Equilibria, and Transport phenomena
High pressure fluid properties
Extraction, Fractionation, and Drying
Reactions and Supercritical Fluid Biorefinery
Particle production
Materials and Biomaterials
Products and Applications (analytical, food & nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, biomedical, catalysis, construction, oil & gas, etc.)
Industrial applications and scale-up
EIFS2022 will be held in parallel to the "Spanish-Portuguese Industry-Academia Aerogel Meeting", organized by AERoGELS CA18125 COST Action (https://cost-aerogels.eu, and to the "Workshop on Green Processes and Technology", organized by Greenering CA18224 COST Action (https://www.greenering.eu/). EIFS2022 registration will give access to the three events.
EIFS2022 is sponsored by:
Organizing Committee
- Hermínio C. de Sousa (Co-Chair, Univ. Coimbra)
- Carlos A. García-González (Co-Chair, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, USC)
- Mara Braga (Univ. Coimbra)
- Ana Dias (Univ. Coimbra)
- Marisa Gaspar (Univ. Coimbra)
- Luciana Tomé (Univ. Coimbra)
- Patrícia Coimbra (Univ. Coimbra)
- Luísa Durães (Univ. Coimbra)
- Rita Chim (Univ. Coimbra)
- Cristiana Bento (Univ. Coimbra)
- João Leocádio (Univ. Coimbra)
- Cláudio Almeida (Univ. Coimbra)
- João Vareda (Univ. Coimbra)
- Pedro Maximiano (Univ. Coimbra)
- Carmen Alvarez Lorenzo (USC)
- Angel Concheiro (USC)
- Herminia Domínguez (Univ. Vigo)
- Josefa Fernández (USC)
- Mariana Landín (USC)
- Beatriz Magariños (USC)
- Víctor Santos-Rosales (USC)
- Thoa Duong (USC)
- Ana Iglesias-Mejuto (USC)
- Carlos J. Illanes-Bordomás (USC)
Technical secretariat
- Jose A. Mendiola (CIAL-CSIC)
Scientific Committee
- Sagrario Beltrán (Univ. Burgos)
- Mara Braga (Univ. Coimbra)
- Albertina Cabañas (Univ. Complutense Madrid)
- Pedro Calado Simões (Univ. Nova Lisboa)
- Lourdes Calvo (Univ. Complutense Madrid)
- Elvira Casas (AINIA)
- María José Cocero (Univ. Valladolid)
- José Coelho (Inst. Politécnico Lisboa)
- Rolando Dias (Inst. Politécnico Bragança)
- Concepción Domingo (ICMAB-CSIC)
- Ana Rita Duarte (Univ. Nova Lisboa)
- Luísa Durães (Univ. Coimbra)
- João Fernandes (Natex)
- Ignacio Gracia (Univ. Castilla La Mancha)
- Miguel Herrero (CIAL-CSIC)
- Elena Ibáñez (CIAL-CSIC)
- Ana Leite Oliveira (Univ. Católica Portuguesa)
- Ana María Mainar (Univ. Zaragoza)
- Angel Martín (Univ. Valladolid)
- Enrique Martínez de la Ossa (Univ. Cádiz)
- Ana Nunes (Univ. Nova Lisboa)
- Luís Padrela (Univ. Limerick)
- Alexandre Paiva (Univ. Nova Lisboa)
- Francisca Rodrigues (Inst. Politécnico Porto)
- Miguel Rodrigues (Univ. Lisboa)
- Santiago Sala (Nanomol Technologies)
- Carlos Silva (Univ. Aveiro)

Flucomp Training Course
EIFS2022 includes a short training course (5 h), which will be available for PhD students attending EIFS2022, and that covers fundamental topics (e.g., introduction to SCF technology; relevant SCF properties; equations of state; phase equilibria), selected applications (SCF-based particle formation techniques) and economics (techno-economical assessment of SCF-based processes).
IMPORTANT: EIFS2022 student registration will give free access to this course. However, students should indicate their intentions to attend the Training Course in the registration form.
Confirmed Speakers & Preliminary Program
Confirmed Speakers
Nora Ventosa (ICMAB-CSIC, Spain) (Plenary Presentation)
Ana A. Ricardo (Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Spain) (Plenary Presentation)
Eunate Goiti (Tecnalia, Spain) (Plenary Presentation)
Francisco Ruiz (Keey Aerogel, France) (Plenary Presentation)
Ignacio Gracia (Univ. Castilla La Mancha, Spain) (Plenary Presentation)
Pedro Vidinha (Univ. São Paulo, Brazil) (Keynote Presentation)
Danilo Cantero (Univ. Valladolid, Spain) (Keynote Presentation)
Final Conference program Program
Download the final EIFS2022 conference program in PDF in this link
Book of abstracts
Please, use this link to download the Book of Abstracts of EIFS2022
Important dates
Abstract deadline: December 21st, 2021January 10th, 2022
Abstract decision: January 31st, 2022
Early bird registration: February 10th, 2022
Abstract submission
We invite you to submit your abstract for Oral or Poster Presentation at the event. The abstract submission deadline is December 21st, 2021January 10th, 2022.
Please, fill in the template provided in this link and send it to eifs2022coimbra@gmail.com.
A notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent before January 31st, 2022.
The registration of the presenting author who submits the abstract is compulsory.
Coimbra is one of the most historic cities in Portugal. Located at the margins of the Mondego river. It is rich in centuries-old monuments and worldwide famous for its university, which is one of Europe’s oldest universities.
The University of Coimbra (UC) was created in 1290 and includes ten organic units of teaching and research (eight faculties: Arts and Humanities, Law, Medicine, Sciences and Technology, Pharmacy, Economics, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Sport Sciences and Education Physics, as well as the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, the College of Arts, and two research units: European Judicial University Court and Institute of Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health. UC also comprises a set of academic extension structure units such as the Botanical Garden, the General Library, the University’s Press, the Science Museum, the April 25 Documentation Centre, the Gil Vicente’s Academic Theatre, the University Stadium, the Geophysical Institute, the Natural History Museum and the Astronomical Observatory, etc. All these structures are distributed by three campi (Pólo I, Pólo II, and Pólo III).
In addition, UC is one of the UNESCO’s World Heritage sites since 2013 and enrols several UNESCO chairs.
EIFS2022 will be held in Coimbra at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC). FCTUC is one of UC’s faculties and institutes, and its research activities are framed into more than 20 Research Units and Associated Research Units, which are widely recognized references in a vast number of scientific and technological fields.
The event will take place in two different locations of FCTUC, both located at Pólo II:
EIFS2022 Conference location:
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (Main Building) (Pólo II)
Universidade de Coimbra (UC)
R. Sílvio Lima, Pólo II, 3030-790 Coimbra, Portugal
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/MkEyzyvsuLGCL1WZ9
EIFS2022 Training Course location:
Departamento de Engenharia Química (Pólo II)
Universidade de Coimbra (UC)
R. Sílvio Lima, Pólo II, 3030-790 Coimbra, Portugal
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/NN5k7n9vpcygBzDLA
How to arrive from Porto airport:
The airport serving the city of Porto is the International Airport Francisco Sá Carneiro (https://www.aeroportoporto.pt), which is located about 11 km north of the city centre. There are direct and non-direct flights to Porto from anywhere in the world.
One of the easiest ways to get to Coimbra from Porto Airport is using the Porto Metro (https://www.metrodoporto.pt), and then to catch a train to Coimbra: Porto Airport → Metro to Campanhã Train Station → Train to Coimbra
For this, you should take the Metro Purple Line (Line E) to Trindade Metro Station, then switch to Orange Line (Line F), or Blue Line (Line A), or Red Line (Line B), or Green Line (Line C), to get to Campanhã Train Station. At Campanhã Train Station, you should catch a Train to Coimbra (Coimbra-B Station) (https://www.cp.pt)
In addition, Porto airport has various public/private transport links and car rental services.
How to arrive from Lisbon airport
The airport serving the city of Lisbon is the International Airport Humberto Delgado (https://www.aeroportolisboa.pt). There are direct and non-direct flights to Lisbon from anywhere in the world. The airport has various public/private transport links and car rental services.
One of the easiest ways to get to Coimbra from Lisbon Airport is using the Lisbon Metro (https://www.metrolisboa.pt), and then to catch a train to Coimbra: Lisbon Airport → Metro to Oriente Train Station → Train to Coimbra
For this, you should take the Metro Red Line to Oriente Metro Station. Then, at Oriente Train Station, you should catch a Train to Coimbra (Coimbra-B Station) (https://www.cp.pt)
In addition, Lisbon airport has various public/private transport links and car rental services.
How to arrive by car
It is quite easy to get to Coimbra by car. There are plenty of online guides to find out how to drive to Coimbra. The fastest way is to use Highway A1 and then exit at Exit Coimbra Norte or Exit Coimbra Sul.
Tourist information:
For more touristic information on Coimbra, please visit:
- Visit Portugal: https://www.visitportugal.com/en/NR/exeres/9CDE9524-8392-4ACA-89CF-CF904B8FE297
- Visit Center of Portugal: https://www.centerofportugal.com/destination/coimbra/
- Coimbra Municipality: https://www.cm-coimbra.pt/index.php/municipio
- Coimbra Municipality: https://www.cm-coimbra.pt/areas/visitar
- Coimbra Municipality: Coimbra - Visite Coimbra! Visit Coimbra! (vídeo oficial)
- Trip Advisor: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g189143-Coimbra_Coimbra_District_Central_Portugal-Vacations.html
- Lonely Planet: https://www.lonelyplanet.com/portugal/central-portugal/coimbra
- Guided Tours to University of Coimbra: https://visit.uc.pt/en
Accommodation options
Coimbra offers a great variety of hotels in a wide range of price categories (including youth hostels and shared local accommodation options). Nevertheless, early reservation of accommodation is strongly advised.
To search/book for accommodation in Coimbra you can use different websites such as booking.com; momondo.pt; trivago.pt; airbnb.pt, tripadvisor.pt, hoteis.com, etc. Alternatively, you can book accommodation directly at the hotels/hostels websites.
The Conference Secretariat has contacted some hotels/local accommodations in Coimbra, and reduced prices will be available for EIFS2022 attendants. However, reservations must be done directly with the hotel/local accommodation services (and not through booking.com, trivago.com, etc.).
Registration and fees
For registration, please fill the form in the following link: https://forms.gle/w5crU5wgQ81dJv4y9
Please, don’t forget to provide your invoicing/billing details in case you need an invoice for the payment
Please take into consideration the information in the COVID-19 section
Registration Fees (VAT included):
Early-bird Fee |
Late-bird Fee |
FLUCOMP members and Portuguese participants1 |
225€ |
275€ |
Non-FLUCOMP members1 |
300€ |
345€ |
Students (FLUCOMP members)1,2 |
150€ |
200€ |
Students (non-FLUCOMP members)1,2 |
190€ |
240€ |
Accompanying person3 |
110€ |
160€ |
1. Registration fee covers: Coffee Breaks + Lunch + Welcome Reception + Cultural Activities + Meeting Dinner.
2. Registration fee also covers the participation of students at the Training Course. However, students should indicate their intentions to attend the Training Course in the registration form. In addition, an official document should be sent to the Conference Secretariat (info@flucomp.es) to confirm the student status (BSc/MSc/PhD degree).
3. Registration fee covers: Welcome Reception + Lunch + Cultural Activities + Meeting Dinner.
Payment of the registration fees should be carried out by wire transfer to the bank account below. In the bank transfer concept, please indicate clearly the name of the participant and send a copy to the conference secretariat (info@flucomp.es).
Entity: Caixabank
IBAN: ES25 2100 3739 1522 0012 4067 (Swift: CAIXESBBXXX)
Account holder: Asociación de Expertos en Fluidos Comprimidos
For more information on registration issues, please contact info@flucomp.es
Information regarding COVID-19
Due to the new rules recently approved by the Portuguese government, the COVID-19 safety measures and contingency plans that will apply during EIFS2022 and Greenering/Aerogels Cost Actions, have recently changed.
As a consequence, the presentation:
- - of a valid Full Vaccination Certificate
- - or of a valid COVID-19 Recovery Certificate
- - or of a negative PCR-TAAN COVID-19 valid molecular test, performed in the last 72 hours
- - or of a negative valid COVID-19 antigen test, performed in the last 48 hours
is no longer required to attend EIFS2022 and associated Greenering/Aerogels Cost Actions. These new rules will also be valid at Welcome Reception, Lunch and Meeting Dinner.
However, the indoor use of face masks will be mandatory for participants, sponsors, and accompanying persons, as well as social distancing should be promoted at all areas of the events. Other hygienization measures will be implemented during the events.
Nevertheless, the EIFS2022 Organizing Committee and the University of Coimbra still will make available an onsite COVID-19 Testing Point, for Voluntary Free Testing, to be working at the event on Monday, Feb 28th, 9h-12h, and on Tuesday, Mar 01st, 9h-12h. Participants presenting any COVID-19 symptoms should be tested.
These COVID-19 contingency rules and guidelines are valid only for the participation at EIFS2022 & Greenering/Aerogels Cost Actions. Depending on where you are coming from/coming to, please don’t forget that some countries still have some airport/travel restrictions. Please, check those travelling rules and be prepared to present all the necessary COVID-19 Vaccination bCertificates, Recovery Certificates, or valid negative tests.
This information regarding to COVID testing has been updated on 21/feb/2022. Please, before attending to the conference visit the again this website for last minute changes on this regard.
Contact details
EIFS Secretariat:
For scientific issues, eifs2022coimbra@gmail.com
For registration issues, info@flucomp.es

FLUCOMP sponsors